<% set SRSDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SRSDB.open "SRS","sa","cheese" Set Session("SRS") = SRSDB %> Create New Database
Smart.net access control
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Create New Database (Data Archive)

It is desirable to archive off old events as they can take up valuable space on the hard disk drive, eventually slow the operation of Smart.net and it is a good idea to make regular backups. Smart for Windows has a built in archiving utility for this purpose.


Never interrupt the computer when doing this archive as irreparable damage may occur to the database file. Make a backup of the file, C:\SMART\SMART.df1 before performing the archive function.

The backup routine creates a "New Database" with all the information stored with the exception of some of the older transactions. This has the effect of making the database file smaller in size.

  1. Click the button "Create New Database"
  2. Enter the date for transactions to be kept in new database

    You will select a date from which you wish to store transactions and SMART for Windows will save ALL current data to a file called "today's date.df1" (eg. 311006df1 if you run the routine on 31st October 2006). This OLD data will be put into a directory called "Old" which can be found in the SMART directory. The path is C:\SMART\Old\311006.df1

  3. Click OK

SMART for Windows will now create a new database in the SMART directory (called Smart.df1) and store the old one (in the directory named "Old"). This file contains all the specific data for your installation and all events.