No call tone
  1. Check the circuit from C on 9307.1 power supply to the call button(s).

  2. Check the call button switch makes contact.

  3. Check the circuit from the call button (in the entrance panel) to C7 on the telephone. Quite often this where the problem lies. Make sure you are checking the correct button. Sometimes when the entrance panel plate is reversed (ie. the panel is open) the button connections are confusing.

  4. If above checks do not resolve the problem. Connect a telephone
    1. Connect the telephone terminal 6 to 0 on the 9307.1
    2. Connect terminal C7 to C on the 9307.1 power supply.
    3. With the phone 'on the hook' the phone should ring.  If the phone does not ring, check with another telephone to be sure.