TThis type of report will give you a summary of individuals time in and out of the building, it will also give a total time on-site. This report is useful when you want to find out on a daily basis how much time individuals actually spend in the building and their movement habits. The data is also invaluable if you want to calculate time related pay for staff or contractors.
Please note that in/out logging does not operate around midnight, if an individual logs in at 23:50 hours and logs out at 00:15 hours on the next day this pair of transactions will not appear in the report.
Select the button ‘Time on Site’ and enter a start and stop date. The total times for individuals are not displayed until a printout is requested. Printing is done in the usual way.
The Time on Site report lists card holders in LAST NAME, DATE, TIME order.
The report ONLY lists card holders who have come in through a door designated "Time Recording On" as set up in the Doors Setup Window.
Time Recording should be set to "Y"
As you can see Smart for Windows has a very powerful report feature that allows you to gain information about the movement of personal and can also give data output for the calculation of time related pay. In order to perform some of the report features you will need specific exit readers at some or all of the doors. Please contact your installer to discuss your requirements if they change.