<% set SRSDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SRSDB.open "SRS","sa","cheese" Set Session("SRS") = SRSDB %> Using Smart.net
Smart.net access control
User Guide
Getting Started

Card Holders


Time Zones

Doors Setup


System Setup

Using Smart.net

From the Splash Screen click on the log-in button (open door symbol, top left) or anywhere on the picture, this will open the Main Event Window.

To quit from SMART for Windows click on the closed door symbol (top left of the Splash screen).

The Main Event Window (see below) is the central point for all functions of SMART.net access control software.

Along the top of the window is a row of buttons, the Tool Bar. These buttons are used to open windows which perform programming and reporting functions. Below the Tool Bar are a number of fields horizontally across the window. The remainder of the window lists the most recent events .

Every time new events arrive at the PC they are displayed in the Main Window, most recent at the top. If you have stored a picture of the Card Holder, it will be displayed in a picture field to the right of the screen. The picture is not visible on 800 x 600 screens.

Operations of the mouse button anywhere other than on the buttons will cause no effect other than to highlight any text immediately below that point.

A user name and password maybe required when selecting buttons, these are set by the administrator and this function is detailed in the section Operators. The following programming procedures and explanations assume that no passwords are required.