Surface Fitting Magnetic locks

Surface Fitting Direct pull magnetic locks come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In simple terms surface magnets are usually for single (this means they open in 1 direction) swing doors. The armature plate is attached to the door on the surface.

The magnetic lock is attached to the top of the frame (the transom) and faces the door. The armature plate is attached to the door facing the magnet. The armature plate is mounted in a flexible way, so that when the door closes the face of the armature plate meets the magnet 'exactly'.

With direct pull magnetic locks the armature plate (locking plate) is pulled towards the electro magnet using electro magnetic force.

All magnetic locks are fail safe devices. This means if power is removed, the lock will open.

Surface magnets come in a number of sizes, but the most popular are :-

Use of brackets

  1. Door opens outwards (normal operation)
    • No brackets required
  2. Door opens outwards with restricted transom
    • L bracket may be required if there is not enough room on the transom to fix the magnet.
    • An elegant alternative is the extended top plate (Model EMU275-TP) which is much neater and easier to align.
  3. Door opens Inwards
    • Z&L bracket will be required. The Z&L bracket comes in 3 parts.
      • The L bracket (1 part) allows the magnet to face inwards
      • The Z bracket (2 parts) allows the armature plate to face the magnet.

Surface Magnet

Normal Fitting

'L' bracket

'Z&L' bracket